Are you ready to Love YOURSELF to greater Health, Well-Being, and Transformation of Body, Mind, and Spirit? Then get your passport to holistic health, say YES to the 2018 "Just Move Love Yourself" 90-Day Challenge!
90-days of classes, support, lifestyle coaching, encouragement, prizes and giveaways, community, FUN and more!
Get your passport, earn points and WIN!
Get your body moving and earn points for attending Nia®, Yoga, MELT, Moving To Heal, Cardio Circuit classes or using the gym! (4 visits a week for most chances to win!)
Complete weekly online “Hashtag” challenges to build community, experience new things and create lasting healthy habits that will carry you through the year.
Up to 200 points possible. Prizes available at each level of participation. To earn the maximum 200 points, attend 4 classes per week, and complete 4 bonus surprise challenges! Prizes available at all levels!
Each time you attend class, you will be entered in Weekly Prizes and Grand Prizes of goods and services donated by our Wellness Coalition** valued at over $1000!
In addition, your final points tally will enter you to win:
150-200 points: $100 Gift Certificate Grand Prize + 30-minute massage
100-149 points: $50 Gift Certificate Grand Prize + 30-minute massage
50-99 points: $20 Gift Certificate Grand Prize + 30-minute massage
Your keepsake 2018 Passport to Health booklet
Challenge kick off party at 11:30am on February 11th, the Sunday before Valentines Day to get yourself set up for success!
Ongoing support, guidance and encouragement throughout the 13 weeks with weekly Wellness Challenges, coaching, tips, inspiration, special deals and discounts, resources and more!
Private Facebook group to receive your weekly “Hashtag” challenges, ask questions, connect in community, get support, share ideas and more!
Prizes, prizes and more prizes!
2018 Challenge T-Shirt upon completion!
Begin February 11th (MOST OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN! over $1,000 in eligible prizes!):
$55* for Members
$255* for Non-Members (includes 3 Months of Unlimited Classes)
Begin March 11th (over $1,000 in eligible prizes!):
$45* for Members
$175* for Non-Members (includes 2 Months of Unlimited Classes)
Begin April 10th (over $1,000 in eligible prizes!):
$35 for Members
$100 for Non-Members (includes 1 Month of Unlimited Classes)
Call us at 541-746-5647 or come by during office hours and we'll get you all signed up.
For the most chances to win - ENTER BY February 11th.
New Challengers accepted through April 11th.
Meet our Wellness Coalition
Health & Wellness oriented businesses in our community committed to supporting you on your path to a healthier, happier YOU!
Kim Lamborn Massage
Moon Crane Massage
Spa Side on the Hill
Young Living Essential Oils